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This command will export the specified Rule(s) to the terraform file, it supports the terraform versions 0.11 and 0.12.

The --format flag can be used to specify export format, currently it supports only terraform. The --version flag can be used to specify the terraform version. The --rdklib-layer-arn flag can be used for attaching Lambda Layer ARN that contains the desired rdklib. Note that Lambda Layers are region-specific. The --lambda-role-arn flag can be used for assigning existing iam role to all Lambda functions created for Custom Config Rules. The --lambda-layers flag can be used for attaching a comma-separated list of Lambda Layer ARNs to deploy with your Lambda function(s). The --lambda-subnets flag can be used for attaching a comma-separated list of Subnets to deploy your Lambda function(s). The --lambda-security-groups flag can be used for attaching a comma-separated list of Security Groups to deploy with your Lambda function(s). The --lambda-timeout flag can be used for specifying the timeout associated to the lambda function