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Custom Lambda Function Name

As of version 0.7.14, instead of defaulting the lambda function names to RDK-Rule-Function-<RULE_NAME> it is possible to customize the name for the Lambda function to any 64 characters string as per Lambda's naming standards using the optional --custom-lambda-name flag while performing rdk create. This opens up new features like :

  1. Longer config rule name.
  2. Custom lambda function naming as per personal or enterprise standards.
rdk create MyLongerRuleName --runtime python3.11 --resource-types AWS::EC2::Instance --custom-lambda-name custom-prefix-for-MyLongerRuleName
Running create!
Local Rule files created.

The above example would create files with config rule name as MyLongerRuleName and lambda function with the name custom-prefix-for-MyLongerRuleName instead of RDK-Rule-Function-MyLongerRuleName