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New as of version 0.3.11, it is possible to add RuleSet tags to rules that can be used to deploy and test groups of rules together. Rules can belong to multiple RuleSets, and RuleSet membership is stored only in the parameters.json metadata. The deploy, create-rule-template, and test-local commands are RuleSet-aware such that a RuleSet can be passed in as the target instead of --all or a specific named Rule.

A comma-delimited list of RuleSets can be added to a Rule when you create it (using the --rulesets flag), as part of a modify command, or using new ruleset subcommands to add or remove individual rules from a RuleSet.

Running rdk rulesets list will display a list of the RuleSets currently defined across all of the Rules in the working directory

rdk rulesets list
RuleSets:  AnotherRuleSet MyNewSet

Naming a specific RuleSet will list all of the Rules that are part of that RuleSet.

rdk rulesets list AnotherRuleSet
Rules in AnotherRuleSet :  RSTest

Rules can be added to or removed from RuleSets using the add and remove subcommands:

rdk rulesets add MyNewSet RSTest
RSTest added to RuleSet MyNewSet

rdk rulesets remove AnotherRuleSet RSTest
RSTest removed from RuleSet AnotherRuleSet

RuleSets are a convenient way to maintain a single repository of Config Rules that may need to have subsets of them deployed to different environments. For example your development environment may contain some of the Rules that you run in Production but not all of them; RuleSets gives you a way to identify and selectively deploy the appropriate Rules to each environment.